
I've come to realize I am lucky and blessed. :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

"Young" by Hollywood Undead (Trust Me, Keep Reading.)

This is a really good song. You can feel the power and energy of what this guy sings. I have made a statement before saying that every band or artist will have at least one good song. This is that kind of song. I'm not saying these guys talk about drinking till you throw up or having a one-night stand, but they swear A LOT. I bet if I were to count the amount of swear words in the song "Undead," it would be two non-swears to for every three swear words. I don't like those kinds of songs. I'm sorry to all you Hollywood Undead fans, but I don't. I really love "Young" though. It actually swears twice, but I don't really mind. That may be quite bad, but it's used it in context. They don't use it for the hey of it. It's like the word "hell." Depending on how you use it, it's either swearing or an actual word. I think Hollywood Undead might actually be banned at our house, I'm not quite sure. (But the amount of swearing would cause it to be banned anyway.) So I just wanted to show you this song, because it really is great.
This song categorizes into a genre called rap metal. It's exactly what it sounds like. It's sung in the style of rap, but it has all the elements a metal and/or rock song might have. It sounds quite cool. For those of you who don't like screamo, then go ahead without worry because It doesn't have any. Just click on the link below and watch the video before or after you read this. It's an awesome song!

We are young, we have heart
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are strong, we don't belong
Born in this world as it all falls apart

<(This chorus is saying that although we might be strong, we are in a time where a lot of evil is in this world. (Which, I might add, is the reason we live at this time.))>

I see the children in the rain like the parade before the pain
I see the love, I see the hate, I see this world that we can make
I see the life, I see the sky, give it all to see you fly
Yes, we wave this flag of hatred but you're the ones who made it

<(I think this verse is saying that all of us, the youth of this world, have so much potential to make a difference and become great, but many of us don't because of factors we can't control.(Although, there are some that we can, but the last line of the verse suggests that it's about he uncontrollable.))>

Watch the beauty of all our lies passing right before my eyes
I hear the hate in all your words, all the wars to make us hurt
We get so sick of so sick, we never wanted all this
Medication for the kids with no reason to live

<(Again, the first two lines are talking about seemingly uncontrollable factors. The next line says that we don't want any of this. We're sick of it. The next line might speak of actual medication. We have it, "but why live," it says?)>

So we march to the drums of the d***** as we come
Watch it burn in the sun, we are numb

<(A drummer keeps things on beat, such as marchers. In this case, it says that we are "marching" with the tempters and deceivers, such a Satan. We blindly follow them without a fight. We're being "sunburned" by the evil. We don't realize what is happening because we have become numb to the evil. We don''t recognize just what mess we've gotten ourselves into until it's too late. By then, we're either dead spiritually or physically. If we're not either of those, we're getting very close, and it's going to take a lot to be revived.)>

We are young, we have heart
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are strong, we don't belong
Born in this world as it all falls apart

As we walk among these shadows, in these streets, this fields of battle
Take it up, we wear the medal, raise your hands with burning candles
Hear us whisper in the dark, in the rain you see the spark
Feel the beating of our hearts, fleeting hope as we depart

<(This is my probably favorite verse. It has a lot of power and has that hint of mystery woven in the lyrics. "As we walk among these shadows" seems to describe the loneliness and danger of the streets. The next part says "Streets=Fields of battle." The second line seems to be a statement of coming together. I imagine hundreds of burning candles being raised up among the city, small spots of light in an evil world. It just seems to be a statement of becoming united. The part of the medal seems contradictory though. I think this 'medal' is a false medal or something. Next line seems to be an uprising, something like the last line. The youth are starting to become of force of light to be reckoned with. Then last, some more intense description of feeling and power. It then states how when not united or together, hope is lost. Therefore, we must stay united.)>

All together, walk alone against all we've ever known
All we've ever really wanted was a place to call our home
But you take all we are, the innocence of our hearts
Made to kneel before the alter as you tear us apart

<(Life is hard, and when your facing the world and much of modern society, it's like you're going against all you've ever known. It may also be talking about how some people finally take a stand, hence, they go against all they've ever known. If parents have been irresponsible or abusive, the next line says how they've always just wanted a love and peace. Even if you have good parents, there's always room for more love and peace. We are not perfect, after all. The next line refers to the bad influences of the world and Satan. Both take the innocence of our hearts. Maybe physically with abuse or drugs or spiritually with pornography. The last line talks about a metaphorical alter. When we follow Satan, whether we realize it or not, it is like kneeling at his "religious" shrine. We sometimes follow something bad without knowing it's bad. These kids have been raised up in a wrong way, so they are unknowingly kneeling before an alter of evil and it's destroying them, but they don't know it.)>

So we march to the drums of the d***** as we come
Watch it burn in the sun, we are numb

We are young, we have heart
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are strong, we don't belong
Born in this world as it all falls apart

We will fight or we will fall till the angels save us all
We will fight or we will fall till the angels save us all
We will fight or we will fall till the angels save us all
We will fight or we will fall till the angels save us all

<(This is almost like a war cry. A deceleration that we will either fight against evil. If we don't we will either die or spiritually die. And we're going to keep fighting until we are saved by either the every-day angels of our lives, or literally by Christ and his Angels.)> 

We are young, we have heart
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are strong, we don't belong
Born in this world as it all falls apart

We are young, we have heart
Born in this world as it all falls apart
We are strong, we don't belong
Born in this world as it all falls apart


As you might have guessed, not all of our lives are this bad. Yes, we need to be united and work as a team and Satan is real, but not everyone lives on the dangerous streets or has abusive parents. Therefore, I am soooo grateful for my current circumstance in life and also that I have the gospel. The gospel just makes the war we call life a whole lot easier. Not only that EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON EARTH HAS THE LIGHT OF CHRIST. So train yourself to recognize those "false alters" and start following Christ. It is only with him that our world will find true peace and happiness.

Thank-you for reading.

Here's the music video below-


The music video is almost pg-13. It shows the band over-taking on old guy who is apparently a dictator, but they don't beat him up or kill him, just over-take him. It also shows a woman on one of various posters in a slightly low-cut bikini. So if you're like me and you find that immodest, I thought I should warn you. The posters it shows seems to glorify the rich, beautiful (the worldly view), and sexual way of life. This suggests that true happiness doesn't lie in these things, which is true. One sign even says "Smile, some one's watching you." Giving proof that some dictatorship and oppression is occurring. Another strange thing is that the dictator's flag, which has a grenade as the emblem, is in black and white on red, just like the Nazi Swastika. This actually has meaning to it. Hitler trained youth to fight for him. He deceived them and made them do his bidding.

Sooooooooo thank-you again for reading some more even though this post technically ended a paragraph ago.


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