
I've come to realize I am lucky and blessed. :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Week...and Maybe Some Other Stuff. (Wait, I Remember What I Wanted to Talk About.)

(If you'd rather not read all this, Skip to the paragraph entiteled, THE IMPORTANT PART.)

If you haven't read my other post yet, (which contains part of a story) then you should know that I moved! YAAAAAY! This is great for a few reasons.

1. I'm still here, and I'm planning on staying with the way life's going.
2. I get to keep my cat.
3. I'm closer to the school.

Can you tell I'm excited? Our last dishwasher did the job equivalent to putting the dirty dishes in a bowl full of water then shaking it. Because of this, we had to wash them by hand. But now, WE DON'T!! Also, the lights were messed up. They either stayed on, wouldn't turn off, or they would come back on after a while. The plumbing was also bad. (It caused a lot of angry outbursts.) The only errors in this house that we've found are bad doorknobs and a scary light fixture. We put a light-bulb in it and it showered sparks when we turned it on. Oh well. At least it didn't explode like in the last house. (I'm serious about that. Light-bulbs really did explode in a light fixture.) So far, we've just got a few more loads to do and organize. I'll be so glad when it's over too. Work just ain't the way our family bonds. But anyway, I live a block below the school now.

Before I get to the important section, I'm gonna let of a little depressing steam. MY LAPTOP IS DEAD! AUGH! It will no longer turn on and I have to get a new one. Right now, I''m using my mom's laptop which has a... well, CRAPPY track-pad. I have to use a mouse but I ain't use to that, so I keep using the pad. The bright side is that my dad has an old laptop that I can buy, except I think it has this same pad. Oh well. That's better than no computer, and I'm also glad that I can use this computer freely right now.

Oh, and I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I'm selling legos too.

Okay, now I'll get to THE IMPORTANT PART.

If you were in seminary, you might have done a certain activity. If you were in Brother Wood's class, (which I know you were, Serena) you most certainly did this activity. We each got a name tag, swapped it with an unknown person, and we had to find out who we had. After we found out, we listed some spiritual talents that  this person had. When I received my card back, I was a little- no REALLY bewildered. Some of the things listed there were not things I thought I really showed enough or at all. I believe I have these traits, but I didn't know if they were recognizable all the time, and the person who wrote them didn't really talk to me much. Here's what she wrote-

- Listening
- Being kind to others
- Accepting people
- Being able to love others
- Being able to see truth
- Being able to believe and understand
- Perseverance
- Being optimistic, look @ the brightside. (She wrote it that way.)

Okay, I know that I'm a pretty good listener. In some cases, I can be pretty terrible, but listening to teachers/friends is not a problem.

THIS is where it started to be surprising. I know I'm a kind person. I'm not like an angel or as kind as a few others I've met, but I'm pretty dang kind. Anyone could tell you that. The problem is is that  I don't show it that often as I see it. I have a kind attitude, but as for out-going kindness, I'm a little rough around the edges. So I wondered how in the world this person could see that.
I'm also an accepting person. I, like anyone, will have those biased thoughts on occasion, but I immediately push them from my mind because I know they're not true. So I don't really try to label anyone. I don't care what disease or disorder you have, I don't care what gender you are, I don't care what race you are, ect, ect. Again though, I don't know how she could see that and I can't think of any time she could.

I'm 100 percent sure I can be loving to other people, but I don't go out of my way to talk to the lonely, or anybody for that matter because I'm to dang shy. I do talk in groups and I do talk to those sitting around me in class. But I've never gone up to someone and said "Hey ******, how are you?" When it's a one-on-one conversation, I'm either sitting by that person or they've come up to me and started talking. (So if any of you wonder why I don't really talk to between classes, that's why. I'm working on it though.)

Another thing is that I don't remember the last time I've comforted someone who's been sad. It's not that I  see a crying person every day, but I swear that I've seen the same girl twice in tears and I've been to much of a wimp to just go say to her "Hey, is anything wrong? Can I help you in any way?" I curse myself for not doing so. I have the compassion, it's just that some stupid wall keeps me from doing it. So that again makes me wonder how she could possibly see that.

And how in the world could she say I can see truth? Since when have I shown that? Same with believing, understanding, and persevering. I think I can see a little more clearer than some people I know. (I'm mostly referring to guys, sadly.) I guess I think I have a slight ability to understand, and as for persevering, I'm not sure. I can get distracted sometimes.

I think she would be able to see my optimism, because I do speak enough to see that...I think. Do I?

I think I know who I am. But who do you think I am? Was she right in her list? Was she that observant? Or was she coming up with a few fillers? Both maybe? Was I right in what I said, or do you think otherwise? Do I seem to act a little "cold" to you people sometimes? Am I rude in any way? I would actually like to know. (Possibly by commenting or even telling me to my face, if you feel like it.) And don't be afraid to offend me. I won't get mad or depressed. I just want to improve myself. (And plus I've been pondering this subject since second term and finally decided I had enough to post it.)

Finally, while we're on the subject of character, I want to shift the subject to you people. (It's nice to hear a compliment from someone once in awhile, don't you think?)

(For some reason, I always get the feeling that somebody's going to think I'm creepy or weird or whatever when I talk about something like this. So if I am, I would DEFINITELY like to know.)

Serena, you are an awesome person to be around. You're a nice (and funny : ) person to talk too. You are also a great friend. (I don't know if you see me as one, but I do.)

Alex, I don't even have a class with you, but I did at one time and it was nice to talk to you too. And I can tell from your writing that you're a good person and you can count me a friend. (Oh, and read my response to you on my last post. I do have some books.)

Bradley, I don't know if you read this all the time, but if you do, you should know that you're a friend as well.

Anybody else that happens to read this, just know that you're frickin' amazing.

Bye now. Hope I didn't sound weird. See you later!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Story That Doesn't Have a Title at the Moment Part One....and more stuff.

Hey all you people! Below is the beginning of a story I'm writing. Tell me what you think.

Getting punched in the face doesn't do much good for your well-being. Then again, when thugs beating up a homeless guy, it's not like you can stand there and watch. I guess the better plan would've been to call 911 and have the police handle it, but what if the thugs beat the man to death? Then what? The police might capture the murderers and they might get a few years in prison, but that still wouldn't change the fact that a man was murdered under my watch. Was I going to let that happen? Absolutely not! Not when I could've done something about it. So, I threw caution in the wind and I tried to be the hero. Well, long story short, I ended up flat on the ground with a broken nose and slipped into unconsciousness.

Rewind to about nine o'clock of Saturday morning. The weatherman last night had told us that it would be a bright, sunny day. While that might have been true, I had absolutely no intentions of going outside. I wasn't even planning on getting out of bed for the whole day. It would be filled with reading comics, watching reruns of "The Twilight Zone," and eating as much junk-food as I could eat. Unfortunately, my whole plan depended on my mom being out for the day. She was going to spend the day with her sister, but she called my mom to tell she was sick and she wouldn't be able to come. Unfortunately for me, that meant she was there to be a parent, and she would tell me all the dangers of drinking too much soda, how t.v. was going to rot my brain, and other health nonsense. Honestly, I know the 'experts' tell people that drinking two packs of soda in a day isn't good for a fifteen-year-old body, but what do they know? I'm the kid here, not them. And since I'm the one with the fifteen-year-old body, I think I know perfectly well what is or what isn't good for MY body. I've tried to convince my parents of this, but they won''t listen. (One reason being that my mom is one of the 'experts.') So instead of what I planned to do, I was forced out of bed to go an "play outside" as my mom phrased it.


Honestly, if you've made the decision to keep reading, then you're pretty dang awesome. If you haven't...well, the people who read my blogs are pretty dang awesome people anyways, so I guess it's just a pretty dang awesome thing of you to do if you do decide to keep reading.

But anyway-

As I was sitting in church, I realized there were still some things I wanted to post, so I decided to add on to the original post.

First up, has anyone ever had to sit on the couches outside the chapel room or whatever? And if you have, have you ever noticed that the other ward seems to forget of your existence? When the other ward gets out, even if it's the prayer, they chat it up-LOUDLY.  You can pray even though you ain't part of the other ward! It's just a little frustrating because it's like a lack of disrespect. And it's not just by the kids, it's by the adults! If it's like a toddler or something, I don't even mind, but when an adult is talking just a few inches in front of me, it's disrupting the spirit. So, if you're ever in the same chapel as me, remember to BE QUIET!

That leads me to the next thing- I'M MOVING! After two years (or something like that) of living in an old, broken-down house, where we move will be an improvement! Seriously, the house I currently live in was built in the sixties. The pluming is messed up, the dishwasher doesn't work, half the light either won't turn on, don't turn off, or don't stay off. It's just SOOOOOOO great to be living somewhere more current. I'll still go to the same school, luckily. I'm actually moving like two blocks behind it. And does anyone go to the Creekside ward? That's the ward I'll be going to.

Since I'm moving, I have to get rid of some stuff like books, rocks, ect. So if anyone wants some rocks, polished and not polished, I'd be happy to GIVE them to you. (Meaning they're FREE!) I don't really know anyone who will want them, so this is my first choice. Also if anyone wants a parakeet or iTouch, I have to get rid of those too. (No, I ain't giving away my iPod for free.) I might be selling some other stuff too...Not quite sure right now. We might just DI it.

Thank-you all for your diligent reading, I appreciate it.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Hello everybody. I have decided to have a contest. Below are a few pictures I made on my laptop. They represent a song. The contest is to see how many you can figure out. Who ever wins gets...I don't know, the gloating rights? Candy? Maybe I'll just announce it on the title bar. I don't know, but anyway, this should test your knowledge. You can email the answers if you're worried about cheaters (although I highly doubt any of you are) by clicking on my profile info. (Click on my name under "about me.") Or, to be simple, you can post the answers below. Good Luck!

P.S. I just tested this on my mom, and she said it would be easier if I gave the name of the band. So I will post the bands below in order of descending picture. That way, you can get another hint if you get stuck. Oh, and this is my first post with pictures. Yay!

That green thing is a fruit. The one hint I'll give is that the song is old. Also, the band has been mentioned in this blog.

This is a building. The arrow is the focus of the picture. I have mentioned this band as well.

This particular band has not been mentioned.

I have mentioned this band before. (They're my third favorite band.)

One of my favorite songs of all time! (I wrote about this particular song.)

A pretty dang epic song. I wrote about this particular song too.

Here's a song I added just for visual purposes. The song is pretty bad, so I don't listen to it. (Although the beginning is pretty catchy.) It's made by the same band that made the previous one.


Band Hints- Rush, Blue October, La Roux, OneRepublic, Britt Nicole, Hollywood Undead

Sunday, March 6, 2011


This is a free-verse poem that I wrote based on an idea. What is the point of doing something like...writing, for example? If we had no paper or pencils (or computers), do you think we would actually pick up a rock and write on a wall. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't. I guess you could tell the stories to your kids, but that would be a substitute for me. You don't always have an opportunity to give a speech in front of a crowd. If I write something, I want it to be seen! I don't want to feel important, I just believe I have a very large source of knowledge in my brain that some might care to hear. If I could just change one persons view on the world, (considering the view is a brighter view than the current one) I would be pretty satisfied, but the more people reading my stuff, the more people I might change. So anyway, why do we work so hard to create, live, laugh, love, or learn? We all die anyway, so what's the point? This poem (hopefully) answers that. We need it for the greater good of all humanity. And even when we die, IT AIN'T OVER! Death is just a way of passage from one location to the next. It is true that the 'way of passage' can be quite painful or sudden, but it's not over. ALL THE THINGS WE LEARN HERE PREPARE US FOR OUR WORK IN HEAVEN. That is why things like loving and even the things like singing or dance are important. So whatever dream you may have, CHASE IT DOWN! It will do good someday. (Unless of course your dream is to be a mass murderer. If that is the case, get professional help.)

Oh, and as an additional note, I wrote this based on the idea that playing with words might give me some poetic edge in my writing. So drawing on examples such as Nirvana, Shakespeare, Owl City, and other things I can't think of now, I'm starting to go a little more poetic. (which, judging from this poem, will take a little more work.) So anyway, I should probably stop typing and let you write the poem I wrote beforehand.

Below is the begging.

What's the point of writing?
Our words can not conquer death.
What's the point of dancing?
For our last dance is named melancholy.
What's the point of singing?
We lose them in the wind soon enough.
What's the point of art?
All colors soon dull to grey.
What's the point of laughing?
Death ain't that funny.
What's the point in love?
The lover soon becomes blind to all.

Hush. Don't say another word.

We may not conquer death,
but our stories resonate through the rest of history.
We may dance to melancholy,
but it isn't the final dance.
And if our voices be lost in the wind,
let it travel to every ear.
And although colors may fade,
we paint a picture of life with every day.
So what if I laugh at death?
He can get over it!
And although a corpse may go blind,
the spirit is forever free,
and love conquers all,
even death itself.
So don't worry of death,
keep living life,
both for the Earth and Heaven.

What we learn here is for the greater good of all living souls.
So keep living, both for you, me, and others.

And that was the end

So far, this is all I got, but soon, I'll be making a song with the same meaning. Oh, just as a final note, what do you think a "Painted Sleeve" is? All my search results came with were ads, so it has probably not been used.