
I've come to realize I am lucky and blessed. :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

More Randomness

(This post was completed in a two day period because I was too paranoid to finish it late at night.)

I have had a few things on my mind, and I'm just going to write them on here. (And probably make another post too.)

First off, I watched the most the most stupid SNL skit of all time. It's an advertisement for a money-loaning company or bank or something with money. The point of the skit is to make fun of their website address which they call "clown*****.****" The stars are in replace of other words that I don't want to appear on my blog. So in other words, they thought it would be funny if they came up with a derogatory website name and just go through the commercial like it was all fine. It was stupid, immature, and honestly, sad. They came up with a pathetic form of comedy and they ACTUALLY THOUGHT it would be funny! If they can't think of anything else other than sex, then they've hit rock bottom.

On my way to school, my mom spotted a dead cat. The cat was in the right lane a little ways from our car, and it wasn't just dead, it was slaughtered. What probably used to be its head was splattered all over the road. It was like someone had taken some bloody grounded beef and spread it all around and it made me a little sick seeing it. I thought "whoever owns this cat is going to have a broken heart; I know I would. I have a cat and if that was her, I would be crying my guts out. As we drove past, I though I would never get the image out of my head. Luckily, I didn't really think of it during school. I actually completely forgot of it on my walk home. I didn't see the cat on my walk home either, and I definitely would seen it because it was pretty close to the crosswalk. So either I was to busy singing to Train (yeah, I admit it) or the cat was taken care of.
May the cat rest in peace.
Later that night, we watched the semi-new thriller, Devil. It is a story conceived by M. Night Shyamalan. He is probably my favorite director and the only one I recognize other than Tim Burton. When I saw the preview for this movie, I got really excited when I found out it was a movie by him. He doesn't direct it and he didn't write it, but he did create the story and he also produced in part. I don't know the extent of his work, but he is credited for the film. It is about five people and a crime investigator. The five people get on an elevator and start to go up, unfortunately, it stops working and there seems to be no problem. One by one, people //////start getting hurt and people die. People turn against one another, and it is soon thought by one security guard that one of the five is the Devil. (WARNING. DO NOT READ THE NEXT PART BECAUSE I MIGHT REVEAL THINGS THAT MAKE THE UNKNOWN,KNOWN.) Right from the beginning, we started to guess which one was the devil and who was going to die next. (I was almost always right when it came to guessing the next death.) It was pretty creepy. It used a mix of the unknown and gore to create a very creepy movie. Visions of death would occur, and whenever it got dark, you soon learned that another life was going down. They used noise and horrible flashes to give you a sense of fear. It was a great movie, and I would definitely watch it again.(READ FROM HERE YOU SKIPPED) You will never be able to truly guess who the devil is. When I found out though, my insides jumped. (Ugh, it's in my head now. Do I dare turn around?) This movie is really good, but if you get WAAAY freaked out by horror films, don't watch it. I'll be sleeping with my lamp on tonight because all the death occurred in the dark. I actually went upstairs briefly and about had a paranoia-attack (whatever the term is) because of the movie. I know it may sound wussy to some, but they don't call it a psychological thriller for nothing. Also, if you hate gorey scenes in a mild degree, then it might make you uncomfortable. It's not too nasty, but it's not so pretty either. The good thing is is that, like many of Night's films, they contain a religious aspect to them. This is evident by the end where... well, I can't tell you cause I would spoil it, but let's just say not everyone on Earth will be sent to Hell. Another religious aspect is the last sentence where the narrator tells us, "If there is a Devil, there must be a God." The ending lightens the mood. Movies such as "Signs" and "The Sixth Sense" are also religious. That's actually the whole point of "Signs." A God exists and things happen for a reason, no matter how bad they are. Tomorrow, I hope to watch a few other of his films like "Lady in the Water" and "Unbreakable." I'm deciding over "The Happening" though. It's about a substance that causes people to commit suicide. It's rated-R and from a parent's website, I highly doubt I'll watch it. It seems a lot of its horror comes from violence and gore. Actually, I'll just read the plot off of wikipedia instead. (You can do this with Devil too if it seems too nasty.)


The link above is the official site of "The Night Chronicles," with Devil being the first. At the bottom to the right, you will see a scene from one of the power-outages. When the lights flicked back on briefly, that is what is seen. (No, it does not give any hint as to who the devil is.) I'm going to now watch King of the Hill to lighten my mood. Apparently, watching Narnia afterwards didn't do much. I will post this tomorrow because I am just so dang paranoid right now.

(The next day, 1:20 pm)

Guess what, my mom read this because I left it open and she downloaded "Lady in the Water" and "Unbreakable!" Awesome, isn't it?

Yesterday, I had to stop writing because of paranoia. Because of this, you may be wondering why I might watch a thriller/horror in the first place. Here's my reasoning. Although I have weaker nerves than others, paranoia only lasts for about one night. I also have Paul Cardall (a religious singer) on my iPod, and that always calms me down.

But anyway, I have like two more things to say. First off is about the lunch ladies in school. Is it just me, or is respect very minimal? People always leave a disastrous mess on there table. I know it's there job to clean up, but could the students at least pick up after themselves or not make a deliberate mess? I see some kids that make ketchup art all the time. I highly doubt that's fun or easy to clean. Another thing that bugs me is that some kids have been known to throw peas and other such food at the people. These ladies work diligently to create a clean environment, and this is how they are thanked, with peas to the face? It just bugs me. The other thing that bugs me is the fact that they can't really do anything about it. I will describe why in a later post though because I can make a separate post of it.

Well......I can't think of anything else, so bye.


  1. Poor kitty! T.T

    I work with the lunch ladies during first lunch on B-days, and they're really nice people. :) They do care a lot about what goes out to the students, even though some people say that they don't. They actually eat the same things we do for lunch.

    To allow comments in Weebly, you need to make a blog page, not a website page. When it gives you the option to make a new page, click blog page instead of website page. :) Hope I helped!
