
I've come to realize I am lucky and blessed. :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011


For anyone who is reading this blog and wasn't at my house Saturday night, all you gotta know is that it was awesome. Aside from my cousins, I have never gotten that many people together to hang out before. I've always been a little shy and anti-confrontational (as you've heard many times), but after today, I think that will change. I realized just how easy it is to call someone and ask to hang out.

Ever since everybody started to leave, I was wondering why I hadn't done anything like this before. Like I said, the biggest group of kids at my house were my cousins. I never really went out their and tried to make a friend. (Well, as far as I can remember. Maybe I wasn't so shy in the third grade and lower.) All friends I had came by chance and/or because they asked ME if I wanted to hang out. I met Stephen on a walk around town. He was at a birthday party and if I'm not mistaken, he's the one that asked me to hang out. With Connor, I had a long conversation with him, and we soon became friends just naturally I think. Tyler became a friend simply because he was a cousin. Brayden became my friend because we had to go over lines for dinner theater and we both agreed that we should hang out sometime. (Although, I was the one who suggested that we go over the lines in the first place, so I guess that kinda broke the cycle.)

You, Serena, are the first one to ACTUALLY break this little chain. We were getting a long quiet nicely, and so I thought "why not?" I enjoyed your company, and I was actually kinda disappointed when you weren't there in class. There seems to be this energy about you, a positive energy. It's hard to be gloomy around you. You're one of those friends Jon Bytheway or a church leader would advise to be around because they influence you in a positive way. You make me want to be a better person. I'll admit it. The kitchen was a wreck before you came. I cleaned it up because I didn't want you and everybody else to think I was a slob. I ain't one, but it normally takes my mom asking me to clean it up. I did it willingly though. I also quote "King of the Hill" all the time, but I haven't around you because I know you would hate that show because of the immorality in it. I feel bad for watching it, like I committed a sin. Serena, thank-you so much for being my friend. I consider you as one of the best friends I ever had, even though I've only know you for a very short time. I'm sorry if it sounds cheesy, but I'm not lying to you in the slightest. You becoming my friend is one of the best things that has happened all year, a BLESSING even.

Alex, you and your sister are wonderful friends to be around as well. I hope you two can hang out again sometime! (And yes, I'll still have the sombrero.)

Again, I can't believe I didn't do this earlier! You've all made me overjoyed. I guess I'd forgotten how glorious a friendship can be. It's not I've been completely alone or neglected and whatnot. I haven't even been bullied since like the fifth or sixth grade, and I could care less about what those jerks said. I. It's true that Stephen was a bully. It's also true that Connor had his days of bullying, but we ultimately stayed friends. (He moved to Georgia though.) My cousin is one of the best friends I've ever had, but I only see him on weekends. My other cousins either live in Colorado, or I just don't see them often even though they live pretty close. My long-time friend has been great, but honestly.....it's hard to explain. Maybe it's because I haven't seen him in awhile. As for Brayden, he's...not the best influence in the world. Put him with a group of people, and he's better, but when it's just us two, he acts and says what he wants to say. My mom says she doesn't even know how we became friends. Seriously, if you do a thorough analysis on us, we are different in SOOO many ways. He spends money like it's nothing, and I prefer to shop at Ross. He hates "King of the Hill" with a passion, and I love it. (Which I actually feel bad over now.) He's outgoing, and you can see him in the halls hugging every third girl he meets. Until yesterday, a phone call would've made me hurl, but I called like three people I've never even called before. And honestly, he talks ways I just don't feel are right, ways that I would never dare speak.

But anyway, I'm getting off track. What I'm trying to say is that.........It's extremely hard to explain.

Oh well, here I go.

Go back to this sentence-

"I guess I'd forgotten how glorious a friendship can be."

I've seen all these people at school interacting with each other, and I wished I could do that. I do talk a lot and make comments out loud, and it's not like I've been totally alone in school, but I'd never had a one-on-one conversation for very long, and when I did, I was very...closed on my part. I wanted to form more friendships, friendships that were made within the school, not at Kaysville Junior (Austin) or Layton High (Tyler.) I wished for that but never had the guts to try and get it. And now that I have, I'm so grateful I did, because I befriended a group of great people. Thank-you all for being a friend. In return, I promise to do the same.


  1. Saturday was so much fun! The last time we had that many people over at our house was at things like birthday parties or when the family's over. Other than that, I can't remember doing anything like that before. It was fun!

    Thank you!! :D When you came over on Friday, our whole house was messy, as well. '^^ Usually my room's pretty clean, but it wasn't then. I cleaned around three or four rooms before you came over! (I then also felt really bad about how hard I was making it for us to hang out... :( ) I love Creative Writing; so many amazing people in a great class with an awesome teacher!

  2. Oh, and I don't mind if you watch King of the Hill. You're a good person, and therefore, it doesn't matter to me what you watch or read. :)

  3. LOL. I felt bad because I felt I was making such a big deal over it. Besides, you got me to call three other people! You jump-started some initiative in me.

    As for "King of the Hill," have you ever seen it? It's not as raunchy as "Family Guy," "South Park," or even "The Simpsons." It actually has a good moral in the show a lot. The problem is that it's like the ice-creamed with a little feces in it. It's good, except for the bad parts. Maybe it's just me because not all episodes are terrible. But it swears and it has mild sexual references in it. (Some don't as much, depending on the episode you watch.) It's just...here, let me give you an example. Remember the song my mom said she liked, "Party Like It's Not Your Birthday," the Disney Channel pop song? I knew for a fact that it said the d-word, I knew you didn't like swearing, and yet, I still played it. As soon as it was said, I saw your eyes grow big and I felt a little bad. Now let's pretend you watched "King of the Hill." I think I would be cringing with every swear word and any other instance of immorality. I'm glad to know you see me as a good person though.

  4. I've observed something interesting. I think as the seasons go up, the show gets a lot better. I watched one episode without any swearing and sex. Now that I think of it, a lot of the newer episodes are like that.

  5. I'm not a big fan of King of the Hill but it is better than Family Guy or The Simpsons. I actually didn't have that many friends until this year and last year. When I was little, I never had any friends. I was just too shy. People would have to talk to me first. I was quite the outcast. Not only that but I didn't give much attention to my hygiene or my clothes so... Yeah. Now I have so many it's hard to talk to them every day. Not many of them are the popular people though. Their mostly outcasts like me. Because I'm actually really shy... XD. Whenver I'm supposed to talk to someone I don't know I make Julie do it or come with me. It's kindof funny if you think about it. Because Julie used to be the one who was really shy but now we're half and half.

  6. Lucky! I have because my brother is ten, and that's pretty hard to use my brother in a situation like that.

    (Try the episode "Grand Theft Arlen" from season... ten or something, maybe eleven. That's the episode I was referring to above. It's hilarious! And I'm sure it doesn't swear.)
