
I've come to realize I am lucky and blessed. :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The police aren't legally obligated to protect you. Wait, what?

In the book, "100 Things You're not supposed to know", Russ kick gives us some startling news. Apparently, the police are not oligated to protecting you from any danger, even murder. Yes, I know this sounds retarded, but many cities and even congress have made this ruling. Since this book was made in 2003, Congress may have changed it's mind, but the past stays the same. Even when a double murder has been committed, it has been ruled by courts that the police have no responsibility.

WHAT THE FREAKING HECK?!!!! Is this a joke? I can not believe somebody would say such a thing! SHAME ON THEM! 

So, what are your opinions on this? You probably know how I feel, but I want to know what you think. Is this blasphemous? Or is it reasonable? Don't worry, I won't criticize, so please comment!

I would especially like to see your opinion on this Bradley, since you apparently have an opinion on this stuff. Make it as long as you want. But please COMMENT.

Oh, and here's the section I read from the book. Apparently, he has a website.

If you search around other sections on that site, be forewarned, there are some nasty things on there.


  1. Okay, the first thing that I want to mention is that many people who write these top 100 books work a lot off of myths and legends that surroud various towns and cities. Although I think that the whole idea is true, don't believe everything the person says.
    Anyways, you might be surprised, but that article doesn't shock me in the least. If you have read my blog post on corporations, you would realize that they siphon money off of people in any way they can. The same applies to the government. They are always looking to increase the amount of money that each person in government offices gets, while cutting the costs of things that won't affect them. They have trained secret service agents who would die for them, so they aren't concerned about police.
    The lawsuits, if the people won, would be very costly. The officers in question would be faced with things like manslaughter and perhaps even murder. Not only this, but because police are a government organization, a single suit might suck millions out of the government. That is less money to buy fancy Mustangs with, so government officials don't like it.
    Why do they portray police officers as friendly, life-saving people? Because it makes us blissful, and oblivious, and persuades us to think that the government has everything under control and that everyone is treated fairly, and are not screwed over at all. It is truly a sad world we live in, but only us, as the people have the power to band together, and to make things right for the next generation, and others to come.

  2. Hum....I have never thought of police in this way...I have always taught my boys to respect and see them as helpful individuals, but your post makes a good point. I am very suprised I haven't come up with this opinion on my own, as I see government conspiracies in different things, some that I know are silly but I swear will be true someday. Nice post.
