
I've come to realize I am lucky and blessed. :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Britt Nicole

Britt Nicole is one of the most Amazing artists I have ever heard. She's a christian artist who says that she was called by God to go into ministry. The way she is doing this is through music. I do not doubt what she says in the least. Revelation exists today and that includes personal revelation. We are all called to do this, the best example is probably missionary work. But anyway, she's an inspiring artist. It doesn't matter what religion you belong to, it's all inspiring. Heck, you can be atheist and still pull some inspiration from her songs. Her songs have so much meaning in them that it will make head spin. You should probably expect A LOT of interpretations of her songs in the near future.


  1. I really like her songs now, they're really nice! :)

  2. I would like to listen to her music it she sounds like an artist I would like.
