
I've come to realize I am lucky and blessed. :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Hello everybody. I have decided to have a contest. Below are a few pictures I made on my laptop. They represent a song. The contest is to see how many you can figure out. Who ever wins gets...I don't know, the gloating rights? Candy? Maybe I'll just announce it on the title bar. I don't know, but anyway, this should test your knowledge. You can email the answers if you're worried about cheaters (although I highly doubt any of you are) by clicking on my profile info. (Click on my name under "about me.") Or, to be simple, you can post the answers below. Good Luck!

P.S. I just tested this on my mom, and she said it would be easier if I gave the name of the band. So I will post the bands below in order of descending picture. That way, you can get another hint if you get stuck. Oh, and this is my first post with pictures. Yay!

That green thing is a fruit. The one hint I'll give is that the song is old. Also, the band has been mentioned in this blog.

This is a building. The arrow is the focus of the picture. I have mentioned this band as well.

This particular band has not been mentioned.

I have mentioned this band before. (They're my third favorite band.)

One of my favorite songs of all time! (I wrote about this particular song.)

A pretty dang epic song. I wrote about this particular song too.

Here's a song I added just for visual purposes. The song is pretty bad, so I don't listen to it. (Although the beginning is pretty catchy.) It's made by the same band that made the previous one.


Band Hints- Rush, Blue October, La Roux, OneRepublic, Britt Nicole, Hollywood Undead


  1. The third one down is Bulletproof by La Roux!

  2. The second one from the bottom is Sell Your Soul by Hollywod Undead!

  3. The fifth one down is Into Ocean by Blue October. I'm not so sure about this one... It's more of a wild guess...

  4. I can't figure out any of the others... :/

  5. 1. Limelight, by _________
    3. Shot Through the Heart, by Bon Jovi
    5. Walk on Water, by ________

  6. Whoops, I want to change my answer!

    5. Blue October, Into the Ocean
    6. Sell Your Soul, by Hollywood Undead

  7. Alex, you got two right. Serena, you got two right. "Limelight" is by Rush. The one with the person walking on the water is not "Into the Ocean" though. It was "Walk on the Water" by Britt Nicole. And technically, it was "Bulletproof," but I guess you could take it either way. If it helps, there is a Blue October song up there.

  8. Haha, I wrote those answers before I had read the other posts that I'd missed, so when I saw those songs in your earlier posts, I thought those were it. X)
